Saturday, October 17, 2009


I've had this blog for a year or two now, and it's been used for so many different whims of mine that it's probably in danger of suffering a severe identity crisis. First I used it for an admittedly whiney, stereotypically emo-teen online diary. Bad idea, obviously. Then it was a place for me to store pictures of my artwork. What for, I do not know--because the sad truth is, nobody cared.

Now, inspired by awesome blogs like Daddy Likey , My Love for You is a Stampede of Horses , and A Cup of Joe, I suddenly became inspired (read: crazy) enough to think I could emulate their fine examples and do something worthwhile with my free time for once.

While I can't hope for my blog to become as wildly successful as the ones above, I am hoping I'll be able to force some of relatives and close friends to pretend they read--and enjoy--this. So I guess I'll start by actually posting some interesting things to read/look at. And then I'll start the coercing, bribing, and arm-twisting.
Excited? Not really? Well, I am, so here we go anyway!

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