Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Would I Sell My Soul for These?

Yes. Yes, I would. And I know you would too. They're gorgeous but I can't remember where I first saw this picture, or where I could get them. Not that it matters, since they're probably insanely expensive anyway. I guess I'll just have to spend the rest of my life pining for them, sighing longingly every time I look at this picture (several times a day), and hating the lucky girl wearing them. Not to mention envying her fashion sense--how does she pair all of those conflicting pieces together and look so fabulous?? I can't do that!). Oh well. At least I can pretend her face is ugly.

Anyway, if you too are suffering from this picture now (sorry) and longing for some pretty, lacy tights, allow me to point you in the right direction. These are the ones I'd buy immediately if I had any money right now:

DKNY Artisan Net Tights for $20, and they also come in pink.

DKNY Lace tights for $20. Even my manly boyfriend, Mr. Honeybear (hehe, okay, maybe not that manly), agreed that these are pretty and wanted me to get them. Oh, how I want to. We'll see. Although, what's going on in the toe area??

These are from ModCloth but oddly enough, I just went there and couldn't find these anywhere. TRAGIC. I really love these.

Oh well, here's another pair from ModCloth that are almost equally awesome for $15:

Topshop (0bviously) Vintage Lace Tights for $24. I couldn't get the picture from the site but I figured you could get the idea from a picture of them in their packaging just as well, or click on the link to see it on their... leg mannequin.

Gipsy Cyclone Footless tights from asos for $7 (apparently the cheapest ones I found, which sucks; as pretty as they are, I hate having to pay 20 bucks for lacey tights). I'm not sure if I like the fact that these are footless, which makes them more like leggings, but I still think they're really cool so I'm letting it pass.

And that's just a small selection. There's sooo many pretty tights out there: lacey tights, sexy tights, colorful tights, patterned tights. Go shopping--even just window shopping. Tights are great for when you want to wear pretty dresses and skirts in the winter (a tip: layer them!), but they also make SUCH pretty eye candy. I also love knee high and thigh high socks, particularly the latter. Comfy but, at the same time, sexy in a cute way. At least I think so. You?

Alright, grasshoppers, now go explore the wonderful world of leg decoration! (Yes, I do think these things up myself, thanks.)

I just thought to include this: DIY Embellished tights! Here's the tutorial and here's what they look like (although I'm sure there's tons of different looks you could try):
Amazing, right? I dunno if I could pull it off, but it does seem pretty simple. We'll see, when I have more time.


AtlantianHeart said...

...that's it? You give me a photo of some really sexy stockings, with nothing to back it up or explain it? I was so excited when my webpage told me that you had an update... and this is what you give me to work with?? You are clearly doing far too much schoolwork young lady; you need more distractions! Blog! Blog like the wind, Goldfish!!

...please? For my sanity's sake?? haha <3

Kelly said...

Oops, sorry. This wasn't meant to be an actual post, I was just trying to show Josh these tights and had to upload it on here because I can't for the life of me remember where I first saw this picture. (Aren't they to die for?) Anyway, I'll turn this into a real post, for you, and THEN I'm going to post what I wore today :) You'll like it.
(And schoolwork? Hahahaha. No, just being lazy.)