Wednesday, April 14, 2010

What I Wore Today

As I said in my last post, I was in the mood for wearing something slightly edgy. For me, that translated into sexy black tights with cutoffs and a low-cut shirt. Um, and Catholic paraphernalia (you'll see). Anyway, here's the outfit, shoes not included because they couldn't fit in the frame and were just boring black flats anyway:

Sorry for the creepy, evil face! Here's a smile to make up for it:

And here's a closeup of my necklaces:One is a silver heart that I wear all the time, and the other two I found while digging around for some jewelry options. The yellow is a really beautiful picture of Mary and then the silver one is a saint, I think for hearing. Probably everything around my neck was given to me by my grandmother. So, my reasons for wearing them were half-sentimental and half (let's admit it) because I thought it looked cool with the outfit.
Oh, and I'm wearing this awesome dark blue nail polish that I loooove. I don't usually wear nail polish, but I love wearing this color.

Next post: What my good friend Jill wore!

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