Friday, November 5, 2010

Happy Weekend!

TGIF, am I right? This weekend I'm going home, baking my boyfriend a giant birthday cake (carrot cake, two layers, who's the best girlfriend ever?) and taking him to NYC to see his favorite band, Guided By Voices (that's right, I'm the best girlfriend ever). It should be a fun weekend!

So anyway, here's what I saw and liked this week, and that I think you'll enjoy too:

Mad Men with googly eyes!

How cute does Alexa Chung look here, switching the tomboy for girly:

I'd love to have this wardrobe:
And these shelves of shoes:

If Bill Murray played every character in Wes Anderson's movies:
(If you don't know who Wes Anderson is, you need to educate yourself immediately. Via Netflix. Go go go go go.)

Also, if you're not watching Community, you need to get on that.

The Halloween episode was one of their very best so far. With that, The Office, and 30 Rock, Thursday night TV is my favorite.

Mini library, just cause it's awesome:

Hipster Harry Potter and friends (I'd totally wear Hermione's entire outfit):

How creepy/cool are these pieces by Maurizio Anzeri? Apparently he embroiders right over the children's photographs:

And here's a place I'm dying to visit while in NYC this weekend:

It's a cafe made to look like a library that's been flipped on its side. How amazing (and disorienting) is that? It's only a block away from the public library. We are so checking that out, and then I am so running outside to puke. Probably.

Have a good weekend, and check back Monday for a taste of my current obsession!

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