Friday, March 26, 2010

My Newest Accessory: Dorky Glasses!

Ah yes, my dream has come true, although not in the exact way I expected. Remember a while back when I posted about my love for dorky glasses? They were all the overly-large, kinda round type, like these (the pic is either from the Sartorialist or Street Style; I'll get back to you on that):
However, what I ended up with was these:

They're still big, just in a different way. The frames are sturdier than most of the other ones I looked at, and I just didn't like the look of the smaller, more delicate rectangular glasses. So naturally I picked these, which are rather on the larger side. I like them a lot, even though after I took them home, my sister looked at the label on the side, and well, this happened:
Sister: Giggle
Me: What?
Sister: Nothing, it's just... the label. Sean John.
Me: Huh? Oh, yeah, guess so. What about it?
Sister: Um, google it.
Me: Oh... my... god.
Sister: Uproarious laughter.

Go ahead and Google-Image it if you're not as familiar with the label as my sister is. Then you'll see what's so funny. For the lazier people, I'll just show you this: Yep.

By the way--if that's your kinda style, awesome. But it's funny because... it's not at all mine. I am sorry to say that I am the whitest girl ever. But whatever, hopefully no one will notice that I'm rocking gangsta glasses and if they do, maybe it'll earn me some street cred? ... God, I hope I didn't accidentally buy men's glasses... I did, didn't I? Whatever, just tell me I look hot in them anyway, please.

From now on, I'll be expecting everyone to address me in the way that my good friend Jill did after reading this post:

Jill: yo dawg.
Jill: those be some hawt shades son.

Damn right, bitches.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Son, I am disappoint.