1. Seeing those bear-shaped jars of honey and smiling. They remind me of my boyfriend--my disgustingly cute nickname for him is Honeybear.

2. Matt & Kim's new album Sidewalks, particularly the happy-head-nodding-inducing song "Am/Fm Sound," which I've been listening to on repeat for the past two days.

3. Finally having all my awful papers finished and handed in for the week.
4. Adorable iPhone covers like this one, which--$30 price tag or not--WILL be mine. There goes my plan for getting a really cheap one, haha.
5. Getting out of super late-evening 3 hour classes an hour early. Whoo!
6. Having random pleasant chats with classmates that I barely know. Perhaps I shall turn out to be a social creature after all--there's hope yet. At the very least, it's nice to just smile at and connect with people, even if just a little bit.
7. Getting awesome Christmas presents for everyone and contemplating my cheap but awesome wrapping plan for the year (newspaper, ripped-out magazine pages, and lots of markers. I swear it'll look more awesome than it sounds).
8. Wearing a piece of clothing that is comprised of my four favorite things (new! striped! sweater! dress!)

It looks pretty much exactly like this. I got it at Ross for like $12. I'll wear it tomorrow and post a picture!

Well, there's my ten for this week (I'm thinking ten's a good number to aim for, no idea why). Check back next Thursday for more, and sometime tomorrow for Part 2 of the Gift Guide!
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