Saturday, December 4, 2010

Christmas Wrapping

During this time of year, money often tends to get pretty tight (at least it does for me) so I love finding ways to celebrate Christmas cheaply. One of my favorites is to skip buying the same old generic Christmas wrapping paper, and instead use a bit of creativity. I had a big stack of magazines sitting around, so for my presents this year, I'm cutting out the prettiest pictures from them and using that as my wrapping paper. Observe:

That's the front sides of two gifts (movies for my siblings)...

And that's what the backs look like.

Not bad, right? And it cost me nothing. Well, okay, I bought the magazines, but they weren't being used for anything after I read them and stuck them in the corner. Now they've served a purpose. A pretty, pretty purpose.

I'm planning to do that with all of my presents--except my boyfriend's. I always wrap his in the NY Times crossword puzzles, haha. Also, I bought shoes for my sister and covered the shoe box in pictures of pretty heels. I'll definitely post pictures of that and other wrapped gifts soon.

Would you do this with your presents, or do you prefer buying regular Christmas wrapping--or something else? Share in the comments!

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