Thursday, September 16, 2010

Bucket List

Do you have a bucket list--a list of all the exciting things you want to do before you die? I love making lists, so of course I do. It's constantly changing, naturally, as I check things off and add others. Here's what it looks like right now (mostly; I took out a few personal/embarrassing ones, haha):

  • graduate college—with no debt
  • go skydiving
  • set up a home theatre in the backyard
  • go to the beach in my fanciest clothes
  • publish a book
  • travel out of the States (particularly to France)
  • go to a cat cafe in Japan
  • road trip to California
  • live in NYC
  • go to a rock concert

and then I'll crowd-surf like this.
  • learn to sew
  • get a pet


  • go on a boat
  • learn to drive a motorcycle (or even a vespa will do)
Yeah, in a SKIRT.

This'll be me, going "whooo!" before I crash into a tree.

  • learn to ride a horse
  • sell one of my artworks
  • swim in the Washington Square Park fountain

or rather, frolic around in it half-naked.

  • be shot by the Sartorialist (hey, a girl can dream!)
  • get really completely drunk
  • take a life drawing class. maybe model for one.

in case you didn't know: life drawing = butt naked time. scary!
  • switch to a Mac
  • get an iphone
  • get a really nice camera

or maybe a whole collection... :)
  • try a dragon fruit

they really look too gorgeous to eat. hoping they taste just as good as they look.
  • run a 5k
  • go on a train trip

  • write a screenplay. (hey, I suppose the picture above works for this one too.)
  • plan a wedding (not my own though, haha).

  • write/direct/act in a play
  • throw a really fancy dinner party in my own apartment

Mad Men style. Hell yes.

  • visit the Winchester Mystery House in CA
  • ride in a hot air balloon

Or.... I mean, I'm just saying, this would be even cooler. How do we make this happen?

  • get a tutu and a pair of vintage roller skates, and go everywhere with them

...and then crash into everything all day long.

  • visit a nude beach... this one is a maybe, haha.

I have a feeling that most people at a nude beach don't look like this.

I hope two of those in a row wasn't too overwhelming for you.

  • get a tattoo; and this one is a really really BIG maybe.

it'd have to be about as small and cool as these.

  • dye my hair white-blonde.

Cause she looks so good with it...

And there you have it! If you have a list of your own, what are some of the things on it? Would you do (or have you already done) any of the things I listed? Share in the comments!

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