Sunday, December 13, 2009

A bit of a photoshoot frenzy :)

So, I promised Jill a blog post today, in order to help us both procrastinate during finals week, and I've been meaning to show off what I got shopping a few weeks ago: red skinny jeans (oh the horror! but skinny jeans are sooo much eaiser to tuck into boots, and I've always secretly wanted a red pair), boots, grey & black striped gloves, and a black jacket. All from Target's clearance racks, more or less, except the boots, which were from... Ray's? Something like that, for under 20.
Anyway, enjoy the slightly over-pose-y pictures, for which I am profoundly sorry. What can I say? After browsing this site all day I was in the mood for some serious fashion modeling.

1 comment:

AtlantianHeart said...

Well, miss, you certainly rock those red skinnies like a diva! ... well, except for in the third-to-last picture, where it seems like you're pretty much falling over :P Nevertheless, I greatly approve of the overall look. I don't think that I can ever adequately emphasize how much I ADORE those new chunky-heel boots of yours!! And the gloves are adorable too!