Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Well, it's pretty much impossible to get pictures from my camera onto my dad's computer (which I'm currently using while I wait impatiently to get my laptop back) so I'm afraid the wait for pictures of my lovely new things and outfits will be a bit longer. However, if you're starved for some images and outfit inspiration, I've just recently been pulled into the all-enveloping addiction that is Polyvore. Of course, I've used it before, but I never had an account so I couldn't save the little works of art that I made. Now I do have an account, and I've been busy making tons of sets. Go check them out and let me know what you think: http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/profile?id=1771856
I've only recently tried putting backgrounds and other non-fashion elements into the sets. I like the outcome, but I'm not sure if I prefer those (they seem a bit busy) or my older ones with just the clothes. The latter seems to showcase the outfit itself a lot more, while the other one is good for sharing a mood or idea. Share your opinions in the comments, as always!

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