A lot of times I see something that I really want, but then think to myself: Why spend money on that when I can probably make it myself? This happened a few times a couple weeks ago, and so finally I just went nuts and had a big arts-and-crafts day. Here's the things I saw and then my own handmade version.
A necklace that looked like it was made out of nuts or bolts or whatever they're called:
So I went to my dad's workshop and took some of his... thingies (he has millions) and strung them on a chain.
I also made a bracelet in a similar style:
Next, a black clutch:
I covered an old, ugly purse with some black material (using super glue), cut off the strap, and added some zipper trimming:
Lastly, I saw this shirt online somewhere (not sure where) and saved it. I figured the necklace and purse I made were unique enough so that I wasn't copying someone else's creation, and normally I wouldn't steal someone else's design; but my sister saw this and was all "I WANT THAT. I NEED THAT. I MUST HAVE IT."
So I made it for her with a spare T-shirt and a sharpie.
So there you go. Making things yourself can really lighten the burden on your wallet, not to mention giving you an inornidinate amount of pride. Would you try this yourself, if you're an artsy type? Also, the next thing I'm going to try and make is a vague shadow of these ModCloth shoes:
I'm just going to recreate the wedge part, not the white design all over the shoe. I think that would be a bit much. But basically I saw a DIY tutorial a while ago about putting thumbtacks in wedges, and have wanted to try that ever since. I just have to find the right pair of black wedge booties. I'll keep you updated!
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