I actually paid fifty cents for this atrocity:
Now, don't get me wrong. This isn't a bad blazer at all, and actually a far cry from ugly. But I had no idea when I bought it off eBay that it was actually much bigger than it seemed in the picture. All I noticed was the nice cut and the pretty butterscotch-colored buttons. Then, when it arrived and I tried it on, my heart sank. The thing completely swallowed me up. It's a great blazer--for someone several times my size. There was absolutely no way of redeeming it, and I hurled it into the darkest corner of my closet and vowed to never let anyone know about my dumbass purchase. (Well, the internet doesn't count. Shut up.)
I had to take it out of the closet later on, though, to get picture for you guys, and I think I'm starting to get past the embarrassment a little. Enough, anyway, to start thinking of something to do with this stupid blazer. My first thought was to use it as a sort of painting smock, but it really is too nice of a blazer to ruin like that. My second idea was to give it to my mother as a Christmas present. You know. Just pretend I bought it specifically for her, and it's not secondhand at all, and was actually very expensive. Okay, the last two might not work, because it's quite obviously secondhand and cheap. But would it be shitty of me to hand this purchase-gone-wrong off to my mother, passing it off as a genuine, heart-felt present? Maybe. But what else am I going to do with it?
Agh. Stupid eBay.
Anyone have any ideas about what to do with this blazer? Is there any way I could actually wear it that won't make me look like I'm drowning in a huge swath of linen and rayon? Could I maybe turn it into something else? (Like what, you ask? Hell if I know, that's your job.)
Well, for one, I certainly find nothing wrong with pawning off failed purchases on your mother. Then again, I'm almost positive that you like your mother easily ten times more than I like mine [and, on that note, can even stand being in the same room as her long enough to give her such presents without WWIII erupting!]
And as far as ideas go, well, let's think. Could you possibly cinch it around the waist to make it into some sort of dress shirt? I mean, I'd have to actually see it to try to work something out of it, but I have a few thoughts floating around. So don't destroy it before I come out for Thanksgiving!
Also: that's a really cute picture of you, just so you know ^.^
I kind of like the dress shirt idea, but I'm not sure how it'd work... We'll have to see!
And I purposely tried to look extra-cute in the picture so the stupid blazer would escape notice. Did it work?
Yep! Like a charm, darling
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